You need to know that of the many people who read web pages, almost 79 percent of readers are accustomed to scanning pages, searching and selecting individual words or phrases that are interesting to them.
Very few people want to read the page word for word. An interesting fact is of course quite worrying for you who diligently issued an article in order to pursue the number of articles that must be published.
It's a shame if after you bother to make a good article and make the title of an interesting post, just to abandon the reader!
Just because of the opening phrase of your article, losing momentum to attract readers. So what to do in the opening sentence of the article to attract the reader's attention?
How can you get people to read your article to the end?
"The opening sentence of the article must have an emotion that binds the reader"
Meaning? When you write the opening sentence, the sentence needs to give the impression and message to the reader to think and follow the opening sentence of the article you create, so they decide something in their mind,
then consciously or not they will continue reading and keep reading the article.
Here are 5 effective ways you can create interesting opening paragraphs in your articles and be able to bind the emotions of the reader.
Very few people want to read the page word for word. An interesting fact is of course quite worrying for you who diligently issued an article in order to pursue the number of articles that must be published.
It's a shame if after you bother to make a good article and make the title of an interesting post, just to abandon the reader!
Just because of the opening phrase of your article, losing momentum to attract readers. So what to do in the opening sentence of the article to attract the reader's attention?
How can you get people to read your article to the end?
"The opening sentence of the article must have an emotion that binds the reader"
Meaning? When you write the opening sentence, the sentence needs to give the impression and message to the reader to think and follow the opening sentence of the article you create, so they decide something in their mind,
then consciously or not they will continue reading and keep reading the article.
Here are 5 effective ways you can create interesting opening paragraphs in your articles and be able to bind the emotions of the reader.
1. Ask a question at the beginning of the opening sentence
You need to know, that answering a question, either while reading or with a direct question, is one of nature that everyone has.
By asking questions in the opening sentences of the article, you can try to bring the reader's emotions into a curiosity.
In its use, asking a question is one good way of forcing the reader's mind to identify a problem that you will describe in your entire article (of course that serves as a mirror of the answer to that question).
To use the question as your opening phrase, note the following:
1a. Ask questions in the rhetorical article entry phrase
The question of rhetoric in the opening sentence here is intended as a question that is not readily answered by the reader.
The question is intended to form a mindset or key points that accumulate reader assumptions. Try to read an example of the following questions:
What will we do to the low performance of your blog?
How are you able to solve the problem as did Budi?
1b. Avoid questions on opening phrases of articles that the answer is limited, for example:
Do you like blogging?
Really you need high traffic on your blog?
The question has a very limited answer, yes or no. Avoid using questions such as in Example 1b in the opening sentence so readers do not close their thinking because the question you asked has been answered completely.
Asking rhetorical questions in the first sentence will build the same psychological path first.
The reader accepts a floating assumption to answer the question.
This can certainly be useful, but if you explain the answer with assumptions that attack or not fit, be prepared your article will be easily abandoned, readers.
2. The opening sentence of an article that reopens the mind or reader's memory
The opening sentence that contains an invitation to scroll the reader's mind into their memory in the past is quite effective and often practiced by some bloggers today.
Opening the sentence by reminding the reader of the same things they once felt can help to get the reader's curiosity out, enabling readers to continue reading your entire article to the end.
This one way you can do by starting the sentence with the words
"Try you imagine ..., What if ..., Do you remember when ..., and so forth".
Inviting readers to re-open their memories and thoughts, at a glance will bring their emotions back to their past.
This will obscure some readers' desires when they are reluctant to continue reading the articles you have made.
3. Write an anecdote or a quote at the beginning of the opening sentence
As we know, many public speaking speakers start the conversation with a brief but entertaining story, and they often do it as a way to get their listeners' attention more easily.
This of course also applies to articles on your blog.
By inserting a funny story in the opening line of the article, you indirectly tie the reader's emotions into the article so they can easily laugh.
This will really help you to deliver the important points that you will present in the topic of the article you will discuss. Here are some funny anecdotes / certain types that you can use in the opening paragraph:
3a. Funny story about something that ever happened in your life
Telling funny things that ever happened in your life will make you become someone more expert in processing the story for an anecdote and its meaning. Of course, the reader will prefer to read your anecdotes are really fresh and new.
3b. Anecdotes are really funny and can make the reader laugh
A lot of anecdotes that are very funny and already famous, but so, visitors who come to your blog would not necessarily have read the anecdote. So there's no harm in you trying to put a really funny anecdote into the opening paragraph so as to make your readers smile and even laugh.
When using anecdotes, you need to pay attention to compliance with article topics. Do not end up making it difficult to connect anecdotes you entered in the opening paragraph with the topic of the article that you will describe in the article.
As for the use of quotations from an expert or famous person that you enter into your article opening sentence, is a proof (feed) that is accurate enough so that the reader would like to trust the article points they are reading.
4. Find a way to tell the end of the article without ending the article
One of the ways you can make an interesting opening sentence is to use the final phrase in your article.
Retelling the information before the ending of the story and wrapping it into the opening sentence is one way to attract readers to find out more about the content of your article.
This method requires a fairly frequent exercise because it takes the right sentence cuts so that the reader keeps reading and searching the end of your article (As you know an end/ending article always lies at the end of the article).
5. Show interesting facts that shock the reader
Speaking of facts, accurate sources are needed so your articles are not considered articles that just "just".
Unlocking the paragraph with surprising facts (eg you get a visit from 10,000 unique visitors from a 1-month-old blog) is one powerful enough way to attract readers at the beginning of the opening sentence.
What should be noted when you enter a startling fact into the opening sentence is that the fact you describe must be relevant and not lie, the reader will be very appreciative and interested in your article.
Because one of the cores of the success of the blog article is the number of visits that readers come to read the articles you write.
Another way of presenting a fact in the opening sentence is to use facts that have nothing to do with the topic of your article, for example:
"Borobudur has been visited by millions of foreign tourists in recent years, let's hope your blog traffic will increase sharply"
(What does Borobudur with blog traffic?) You can provide other examples that are more specific, precise and in line with the topic of your article, but by using this method, can surprise the reader.
This unrelated fact will make the reader think "How does this Ceking story get connected to the topic of the article?". In essence, a surprising fact will bring the reader to think "this is not possible ga, but .... maybe it could be well yah?". Whatever the argument, this is one way to attract readers.
Creating an opening phrase interesting articles and able to hit the emotional side of the reader, will certainly make readers become comfortable to linger in your blog.
The point is the sentence that you use is able to invite readers to think but not excessive so they do not feel disturbed by the questions you write.
Those are some tips that I can give to make an interesting article entry phrase in an article that can maximize your article as a reference reading visitors.
How about the opening phrase of your article is it interesting enough? anyone want to add? Please write your comments and suggestions in the comments field.